Welcome to the Chainology of Chain. As you will see, Chainology is the Song Tree or in other words, the massive process of revising, rewriting and combining my songs.
Chainology I. A. Steady Love (retitled) ___1.Gette Amour ___2.Angelette II. A. I've Realized (combined 1 and 2) ___1.Shmeckin' and Bethie ______a.Shmeckin' and Bethie Lee ___2.Symbiotic III. A. Be With Me In The White Silk ___1.Son ___2.A Pure As Hell Ski Chain IV. A. Watch Out (combined 1 and 2) ___1.Emdeurtion ______a.Em is the suffix to our names, eg: Ronem, Robinem ______b.Deur is that summer camp happy feeling. eg: sitting together on the dock before a swim check and buddy check ______c.tion is the generation of it, the movement ___2.Gentlemen ______a.Not On My Time ______b.Green Dew ______c.Alone V. A. Colorized Scan (retitled and combined) ___1.Scan ______a.River Shine Motel ______b.Naked Chicken Noodle ___2.The Cross I Wear